FleetCompany GmbH
(Fleet Logistics)

About FleetCompany GmbH (Fleet Logistics)

FleetCompany GmbH from Oberhaching is an independent fleet management company operating under the brand name Fleet Logistics in over 27 countries worldwide. The company is jointly owned by Volkswagen Financial Services AG (approx. 71 percent) and TÜV SÜD Auto Service GmbH (approx. 29 percent). The two shareholders have set themselves the goal of bundling mobility offers for fleet customers via Fleet Logistics and developing these further in the direction of intermodal mobility solutions.

The Fleet Logistics brand offers more than 20 years of experience and is responsible for a fleet volume of over 180,000 vehicles, making Fleet Logistics one of the largest independent fleet management service providers worldwide. Its customers include large national and international fleet customers from a wide range of industries.

The service portfolio is currently divided into the areas of consulting, operational fleet management, fleet reporting and other tools.


Board of management:

Hans-Peter Seitz
Steffen Schick


FleetCompany GmbH
Keltenring 13
82041 Oberhaching